Channel: Idea.informer.com RSS - Rohos

How can I make the Bluetooth distance shorter?

Problem with QR-Code scan

Local time zone correction on log files

Add authorization with fingerprint sensor smartphone

files with same name

files with same name

I have a sistem were I create a folder for each client, and then a seried document for each visit or appointment. If I open, for example 01.txt and edit it, when I open other text file named the same, obviously in other folder, rohos opens the fist txt document, I am using rohos portable because office PC doesn´t allow to install new software. Any way to fix this? thanks

Logon Key Problem on an virt. desktop

I,am using an virt. win10 desktop in a company domain. The desktop was lock by policy. When ich will lockin again and type in my pw ind the OTP i got an error-mesage. Username or password a wrong. After disconnecting the rds session and restarting everything works fine with pw and otp. Whats the Problem?

Free space reported by Explorer + Rohos Secure Disk Size exceeds USB stick capacity.

iOS 11 not supported

With it's abysmal slow update rate of the iOS updates it was bound to happend and it did. Rohos started with the message "Application needs to be updated for iOS ..." a few iOSes ago. Now that iOS 11 has arrived the application wont even start anymore. Please update the application and I have one minimum feature request. Allow users to delete one item in the list instead of forcing the user to wipe the whole list en start from scratch.

Bug with USB Device when unplug and plugin again

Bug with USB Device when unplug and plugin again

When i boot windows and insert my USB Device, than it recognize the device and it will automatic Login. When i unplug the device on Windows, it is setup to lock the computer. This works. I insert the device again, and Rohos does not recognize it and i can not login anymore. Emergency Logon does not work too, because i will get the whole time wrong Answer in question 3. This is since last Windowsupdate in September. My settings under options: Type of Device: USB Flash Drive action when withdraw device: lock computer Allow to login by using key: For any user Can you please fix this fast please? Regards Manuel

Emergeny Logon does nor work Fail on Question 3

Hello When i will use the emergency Logon it does not work. Every time it says on question 3 that the answer is wrong. It does not work. When i reconfigure the emergency logon again and try it, same problem. Ervery time on question 3. I use the latest Version from September.

Rohos Disk for Android: how to open Rohos Disk contain on an usb stick?

Is my Computer safe from Utilman.exe attaks, while using Rohos Logon?

Rohos Logon: U2F - Multiple Accounts with one physical U2F-Device

I use Rohos Logon to provide a 2nd-Factor-Authentication to W10 using a USB based U2F-Device (Yubico 5). This works well and without problems for a any single Useraccount. Unfortunally, when I do register a further account with the same U2F-Device, I cannot use the U2F-Device for the previous registered account anymore. (Background: Depending the the task, I use different useraccounts, but have only one U2F Device). After confirming the U2F device by touching the button, I get always logged in as the last username which has been registered with Rohos Logon, but not any previous registered account. In the GUI unter "Users and Keys" both users are listed with different Key-ID's (which is expected by the U2F-Protocol) Which steps are required, to ensure that one U2F-Device can be used with different Useraccounts?

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